Decolonising Education
Caribbean Labour Solidarity joins the campaign to Decolonise the Curriculum

Caribbean Labour Solidarity (CLS) has joined the ongoing campaign to Decolonise the Curriculum of the United Kingdom’s constituent nations. Here we state what this means, what we will do and the help and assistance we need.

Caribbean Labour Solidarity, founded in 1974, is a UK based organisation that works to unite all those who support equality, democracy, justice and social progress in the Caribbean and elsewhere. We support all who recognise that the struggle against racism, fascism, imperialism and neo-colonialism in the Caribbean and elsewhere requires the building of strong international links between the working people there and their sisters and brothers globally.

In so doing we recognise … Read the rest...

Decolonising the Curriculum

Lesson from How the West Indian Child is Made Educationally Subnormal

How a people, nation, tribe or group think of themselves is often wrapped up in myth but presented as historical “facts”.  Such “facts” may sustain an image of the nation’s self but can in many cases be damaging not only to others but to those who fail or are unable to critique them.

Caribbean Labour Solidarity (CLS) believes that its new initiative of decolonising the curriculum will provide an accurate understanding of the history of the United Kingdom and its Empire.  In so doing it will be of benefit to the people of the UK, including the children of the Empire.

The purpose of this enterprise is not to … Read the rest...

Decolonising and Decarbonising: Capitalism, Slavery, Climate Change and Resistance

The 2018 hurricanes Irma and Maria signal the emergence of a new climate regime in the Caribbean. At no point in the historical records dating back to the 1880s have two category five storms struck the eastern Caribbean in a single year. The Caribbean is seeing repeated and prolonged droughts, an increase in the number of very hot days, intense rainfall events causing repeated localised flooding, and rising sea levels.

The slogan “1.5°C to Stay Alive!” was adopted by the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. A world warmed by no more than 1.5°C is one in which existing Caribbean societies have a future. However, the emissions reductions that have been voluntarily agreed through the United Nations have been predicted to Read the rest...